Friday, March 20, 2020

3rd Day of RMO/MCO or whatever they call it, STAY AT HOME

Assalamu'alaikum, everyone.

This is a short post.

A quick recap:
  1. Up until 19/3/2020, Malaysia have 900 confirmed cases of COVID-19 positive and 2 deaths. Source:
  2. 8600 cops have been deployed nationwide to ensure people abide by MCO (Movement Control Order). Source:
  3. Saudi Arabia suspends prayers at Makkah, Madinah mosques. Source:
  4. Good news - Electricity bill discounts for six months, starting from April. Source:
  5. Man arrested for violating MCO. Source:
I woke up late today, so there's nothing much to write about. 
What do I feel now: Bored and indifferent.
What am I going to do for the rest of the day: 
- Writing this post
- Watching movie "Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah 3", the one with Zul Ariffin in it (Mom wants to watch it again - I think it's because she likes Zul Ariffin 😂)
- Eat (Duh..) 
- Daydreaming
- It's Friday, so I should try at least spend my time doing ibadah such as zikr, selawat, read Al-Quran, solat, doa.
- Spend few minutes on Duolingo App, learning German. It's fun and I am hoping to be consistent in doing it along with my ibadah, insya Allah.

Israk Mikraj is just one/two days away, I think.
Should be prepared for that too.

That's all for now. JUST STAY AT HOME.
See you guys tomorrow, Assalamua'alaikum.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coretan Pertama 2020: Hari Kedua RMO

Assalamua'laikum, wahai para pembaca.

19 Mac 2020, hari kedua penguatkuasaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan. #RestrictionMovementOrder
Aku senaraikan perkara yang aku telah lakukan setakat ini (11 pagi waktu Malaysia):

- Bangun pagi
- Mandi
- Sarapan (Dua keping roti, sekeping keju, sos mustard dan sos koleslaw)
- Menulis dua perenggan dalam tulisan Jawi
- Belajar bahasa German selama 15 minit menggunakan perisian Duolingo (skil German aku sudah berkarat)
- Menulis post untuk blog ini

Sekali lagi aku perkenalkan diri kepada para pembaca terutamanya yang baru sahaja menjumpai blog ini (kemungkinan besar adalah kerana posting tentang MyBrainSc). Jadi inilah biodata ringkas aku dan perjalanan hidup aku dari segi karier dan pelajaran.

Nama: Nur Aqilah Zahirah Binti Norazmi (kau boleh cari aku di FB dan Insta, tapi aku takkan terima sebarang friend request melainkan aku kenal kalian personally).

Education Background:
2007-2011: SMK Shahbandaraya, Klang - SPM
2012-2013: Pusat Asasi Sains UM, KL - Asasi/Pre-University Foundation
2013-2017: University of Glasgow, UK - BSc (Hons) in Chem
2018-2020: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia - MSc (Coursework) Chemistry
2020-2023: Got offer for a joint PhD Program (will be updated later)

2015-2016: Volunteer Teacher (Sekolah Malaysia Glasgow)
2017-2018: Executive Administrative Assistant (TZ Engineering Enterprise)

Dalam post yang lepas, aku mengeluh mengenai keadaan aku yang tidak mendapat sebarang tawaran kerja selepas mendapat ijazah. Melihatkan keadaan aku yang menyedihkan itu (baca: pathetic), ibuku menyuruhku untuk bekerja di syarikatnya. Memandangkan aku sudah biasa bekerja di syarikatnya semasa cuti sekolah dan cuti musim panas, aku decide untuk proceed with it. Jujur aku katakan, pengalaman sepanjang bekerja di sana amat membantuku dari segi data management, presentation, interaction with companies and government agencies. Aku gunakan pengalaman tersebut sepanjang aku di UKM.

Sekadar di situ sahaja untuk biodata ringkas aku. Kalau aku rajin, aku tulis post khas untuk pengajian peringkat Sarjana. Manakala untuk sebarang pertanyaan mengenai biasiswa MyBrainSc dan permohonan universiti, ini yang aku dapat nyatakan berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri dan juga kawan2 terdekat (disclaimer: mungkin akan berubah dan sila tanya pihak Kementerian untuk kepastian):
  1. Kontrak selama 3 tahun dengan kerajaan hanya sekadar di atas kertas - janji kau laporkan kepada KPM/KPT selepas kau berjaya menamatkan pengajian. Be prepared, pastikan kau sudah ada perancangan selepas belajar SEBELUM kau habis belajar.
  2. Setakat ini, MyBrainSc masih menawarkan biasiswa untuk pengajian BSc/MSc/PhD di dalam dan luar negara, cumanya luar negara akan lebih sengit. Pastikan kau dapat tawaran daripada universiti yang top di dunia (senarai universiti ada tertera di laman web MyBrainSc).
  3. Tawaran bersyarat maksudnya ada perkara yang perlu kau selesaikan/hantarkan kepada pihak yang berkaitan (KPT/universiti) sebelum permohonan kau diterima sepenuhnya.
  4. Tempoh menunggu tawaran berbeza untuk setiap uni, tapi kau boleh hubungi mereka sekiranya masa menunggu terlalu lama atau kau mengejar deadline submission untuk permohonan MyBrainSc.
Mungkin aku patut buat another post about this, tengoklah rajin ke tak. It has been 7 years since I've applied to a UK uni, I might not be able to recall much.
Berbalik semula kepada pos asal, tujuan aku menulis post adalah untuk menghilangkan kebosanan duduk di rumah dan juga ingin update blog ini. Dah "berhabuk".

Target aku adalah untuk ceritakan hari-hari aku sepanjang tempoh 14 hari berada di rumah.
Kedua-dua belah telingaku telah disumbatkan dengan earphone, pasang lagu di Spotify (main lagu-lagu yang sama berulang kali).
Sekarang tengah dengar lagu-lagu Lord Huron, jemput dengar di Spotify atau YouTube.
Lagu2 Lord Huron yang aku suka dan rekomen untuk kalian:

Album Strange Trails:-
The Night We Met (rasa kebanyakan orang tahu sbb 13 Reasons Why)
Meet Me in the Woods
Love Like Ghosts
Fool For Love
The Yawning Grave (lagu ni maksud dia seram lain macam, but then so are the whole album).

Album Vide Noir:
Semua best tapi my personal favourites are 
Wait by the River
When the Night is Over

Album Lonesome Dreams:
The Ghost on the Shore
She Lit a Fire

Tapi lagu yang aku dok ulang berkali2 sampai sekarang: All The Stars - Kendrick Lamar & SZA
Boleh la kot nak kata tu lagu kegemaran aku ya. Hehehe.
Selain daripada perkara2 yang aku senaraikan di atas, aku yakin ramai orang akan banyak menghabiskan masa di media sosial. Sama juga untuk aku. Facebook, Instagram dan Twitter. 
Tapi ada banyak perkara lain yang boleh dilakukan, seperti membaca buku, menonton televisyen (or binge watching Netflix), memasak, dan lain-lain lagi.

It's okay, Malaysia. 12 days to go. It will be over before you know it.
Stay strong. Take care.

ImageInsya Allah, bersambung dalam coretan esok.
Till then, Assalamua'laikum and Goodbye!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Of Graduation and Moving On

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.

May peace be upon you, dear readers.

3 years has passed since I wrote my last post. So, what happened during the off-radar period?

1) Alhamdulillah, I have graduated with a degree in Chemistry from University of Glasgow on June 2017.
My family and I - we got new addition to the family, baby Zahra. Such a cheeky little girl and cute too. By the way, graduates from Scottish universities does not wear mortar board during graduation ceremony. I wore it just for fun. :D
2) I'm back in Malaysia and currently working in a company in which my mom's the boss.
3) I have attended a German language course and planning to continue learning until I obtained the A2 certificate.

Basically, that's it.


I kept spending my whole day every day regretting my past - thinking what I could have done better when I was still in the uni. Even with my degree, I still couldn't secure any job in chemical sectors, be it a chemist or lab assistant. My self-esteem went downhill, I'm feeling insecure, helpless and hopeless.

I had a conversation with my mom yesterday. It's a long conversation, so I'll just write the gist of it or at least, what I understood from the talk - I should have set up a concrete plan for my future from the start or at least before I graduated. Because now I'm lost, not sure what to do. If it weren't the fact that my mom owns a company, I will be jobless.

It has been 8 months since I graduated and I still couldn't figure out what I want to do - whether to work or continue my study. I did applied for jobs as advertised in Jobstreet, haven't got any offer so far. Got rejected many times - giving up seems to be the best option.

Even for Masters, I couldn't made up my mind - do I want to continue in Chemistry or try other courses such as MBA or Chemical Engineering. I am beyond grateful that I managed to apply for one Master course at USM, still waiting for reply though.

I am well aware of my problems, it's just that instead of facing them, I chose to hide and recluse myself in my created universe, my comfort zone. It is a place where you just go with the flow, accepting whatever that is in front of you. But there's a part of me that wants to live an adventurous life - I do not mean by backpacking and travelling - but by taking risks in every choice that I make. There's also another part of me that wants to stay, not wanting to be hurt by the cruel reality of the world.

Now I'm in a limbo, stuck between this two choices.

Or am I?

For it may be that I created the limbo on purpose or I am just being blinded with my daydreams (an alternate world where I imagine myself being perfect), preferring it than my real life.

I do not know. 

My dear fellow readers, I can not foresee the future and know how my life will turned out. I am not expecting the impossible, I just want to live my life happily and be grateful with everything that I had. At one point, I will be tired with daydreaming and regretting, and maybe that will be my turning point. I'm waiting for it, the leap of faith. I will make the leap without a doubt, I'm sure.

Maybe then I can finally move on.

To become a better person.
A good daughter, a good sister.
An obedient servant to my Lord.

Until then, I will try my best to live every single day and not giving up on my life.

And Allah knows best.

Das ist alles.

Goodbye for now. :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

From A' Ghàidhealtachd to a' Ghalldachd

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.

May peace be upon you. :) 

It's been a while since I wrote a post in this blog and Alhamdulillah (thanks to Allah), I got the chance to write a new post - some sort of travelogue, I think (hahaha...). I haven't write English posts for a while, so, I hope my fellow readers will forgive my grammatical errors throughout this post/essay/etc. Oh, this will be my first post in 2015 (hooray!!!).

    Few days before Christmas, my friends and I have decided to travel within Scotland. While most of Malaysian students prefer to spent their holiday/winter break travelling to European countries (this is just an opinion), we decided to stay and spend the rest of the time in Scotland - searching for the snow (T_T we didn't got any chance to see snow properly - playing with snow and stuff.. - in 2013).

   The reasons why I wrote this post are because I want to share my experience on travelling as a backpacker (low-cost trip) and I LOVE SCOTLAND. Subhanallah - praise be to Allah, Scotland is blessed with B-E-A-UTIFUL places and it has never failed to made me feel amazed with its' beauty. How can I not be convinced that only a Mighty Creator can create this beauty? Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest). Aaaaand I hope that you guys might want to visit Scotland after reading this post (ceh..wah.. perasan betul).

Salisbury Crags & Edinburgh town (Lowlands). You can see Edinburgh Castle from here (at the centre of this pic).
Credits to Ms Z.

By the way, A' Ghàidhealtachd and a' Ghalldachd means Scottish Highlands and Lowlands respectively in Gaelic. There will be more Gaelic names in this post along with their Anglicised names :).

Highlands to Lowlands Trip

Sunday, 21st December 2014 - Glaschu => An Gearasdan
   My friend and I departed from Glasgow Queen Street Station at 6:20 pm by train. It was dark and we couldn't see anything throughout the journey. We ended up spending our time inside the train by sleeping and eating instant noodles (I brought a thermos bottle and use the hot water to cook the noodles inside a plastic container - yup, we were starving at that time). Alhamdulillah, we arrived at Fort William (in one piece, of course..hahaha...) at 10:06 pm. Then, we went to Fort William Backpackers (a low-cost hostel), checked-in for 4 person (even though only 2 that showed up) and spent the night there. Another 2 of my friends were expected to arrive on the next morning,

They even gave a bed card to each one of us. Every bed has its' own name and every name has its' history or legend. Mine was Fairy Flags of Dunvegan - I can't remember the tale of the legend but it's definitely about fairies having their own flags and something to do with Dunvegan Castle that is located in Isle of Skye. One of my friends got Nessie (the famous Loch Ness monster).

Monday, 22nd December 2014 - Around An Gearasdan (Caisteal Inbhirlochaidh, Slighe a'Ghlinne Mhòir & Meadhan a' Bhaile)

   We were planning to go skiing on this day since we already booked the beginners package. Unfortunately, the weather was not suitable for skiing and there were not enough snow on the mountain. But, Alhamdulillah, we believe that everything is according to Allah's plan and there's nothing to be worried about. Another 2 of our friends arrived from Glasgow by bus at 10:00 am. We brought them to the hostel for check-in and went out to explore places in Fort William. One of the hostel staff recommend us to visit Inverlochy Castle using the Great Glen Way

Info : Scotland is famous for its' walking trails including the Great Glen Way (Fort William to Inverness - 79 miles/127 km long), West Highland Way (Milngavie, Glasgow to Fort William - 96 miles/154.5 km long) and many more. You can visit this website for more information.

   And so, the three musketeers (one of our friends was not feeling well at that time) starts off their journey to Inverlochy Castle, walking along the Great Glen Way without no maps, weak internet connection (Google Maps can't be used) and depend solely on Allah in finding the right path (the only clue/hint that we had was a symbol that kept appearing in the path, showing left/right).

As you can see in this pic, there are 3 signs of direction; two of them (below) are the Great Glen Way signs and another one (above) is the normal sign that usually can be found in walking trails. By the way, the distance is in miles, not km. Credits to Ms Z. 
   After minutes of walking and taking pictures, we finally found the castle. Surprisingly, it was not as what my friends and I thought it was. It was an ABANDONED CASTLE!!!.. More like a ruined castle, actually. Well, some parts of it may have been destroyed in wars but its' remains are protected under HISTORIC SCOTLAND, an executive agency of the Scottish Government focusing on conserving historical sites and stuffs that are related to Scottish history.

The parts of Inverlochy Castle that survived throughout the time. There's a river (River Lochy) at the end of the pathway - behind the castle. Sorry for the human interruption in this pic. Credits to Ms Z.

   After a tour around the ruined castle and as the day was getting darker, we decided to left the castle and went back to the Town Centre by bus (of course, we have to go to the main road to find a bus stop as there are no bus stops along the walking trail). Fort William memang kampung habis.
When we arrived at the Town Centre, it was almost dark. We decided to walk along the High Street - main shopping street in Fort William. Obviously, it's not the same as Oxford Street in London or Princes Street in Edinburgh or Buchanan Street in Glasgow, not to mention Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman in Kuala Lumpur. Most of the shops closed early but luckily, they were still open during that time. We even managed to book the skiing class for the next day, Alhamdulillah.

You can find lots of streets with their Gaelic and Anglicised names. High Street is one of them.

A picture of a girl sitting next to a statue of an old man looking at the sea. Credits to Ms Z.

At the end point of the West Highland Way. Fáilte means welcome in Gaelic. Credits to Ms Z.

   All of us (including the one that didn't go to the castle) went for dinner in an Indian restaurant - there were two or three halal restaurants in Fort William - and return to the backpackers hostel.

Note : It is preferable to bring instant foods such as noodles rather than eating in the restaurant, especially for the low-budget type. The backpackers hostel provides kitchen and all of the appliances can be used if you guys want to make a meal. 

Tuesday, 23rd December 2014 - Skiing at Aonach Mòr, Monadh Nibheis => Inbhir Nis

   Alhamdulillah, the weather condition on this day was suitable for skiing. Firstly, we checked out from the hostel and left our baggage there (the check-out time was in the morning and they were kind enough to let us leave our belongings in the hostel - at the lounge).  We went to the base station of Nevis Range, a mountain resort (the name can be quite misleading as the resort is located on Aonach Mòr, not Ben Nevis, another mountain located near to Aonach Mòr). It took 15 to 20 minutes to reach the base station from Fort William Town Centre by cab. 

   Then, we went up to Aonach Mòr by cable car (they called it gondola) with the ski equipment. It's only £56 for a ski beginner's package (it includes a day pass for the ski site and the gondola, ski equipment hire and a 2-hours ski lesson). 

View of Aonach Mor from the top gondola station which is 650 m above ground. 

   I don't want to ruin the surprise for the readers (and also because I'm too lazy to write all the details about my first-time ski experience). So, we were skiing, playing with snow (more like ice...), taking pictures until 4:00 pm. Here's a picture of me trying to ski like a pro (bajet habis...).

"Stay there. I got this." said the girl to the ski instructor (most left in this pic). Credits to Ms Z.

   By the time we reached the base station, it was already dark and we called the cab driver to picked us up (there was a bus stop but we didn't want to miss the bus to Inverness). We took our stuffs at the hostel and went straight to Fort William Bus Station. Alhamdulillah, we arrived there 30 minutes before the departure time.

   The bus depart to Inverness at 6:15 pm and the journey took around 1 hours and 45 minutes. We arrived at Inverness at 8:01 pm and checked-in at Inverness Backpackers Hostel. Since Inverness Backpackers Hostel is in the same company as Fort William Backpackers Hostel, each one of us also got a bed card. :) Oh ya, it's really near to Inverness Castle (1-2 minutes of walking).

This time, the category of the bed names is plants. Thistle is one of the Scottish symbol, other than tartans.

   We were so hungry at that time - we cooked instant noodles as soon as we finished settling our stuffs in the allocated dorm. After the dinner, the three musketeers (the same three girls that went for the evening walk at Fort William) went for a night walk around Inverness. Just when you thought Inverness was a countryside just like Fort William, BHAMM!!! Nope, Inverness was..well, kind of modernised countryside. It's a B-E-A-UTIFUL city. After all, it is the capital of Scottish Highland. It has to be a standout, distinguishing itself from other highland towns.

A multi-coloured light-decorated bridge across River Ness. Credits to Ms Z.

Inverness Castle at night. Credits to Ms Z.

Another bridge across River Ness. Credits to Ms Z.

   We also walked along the High Street in Inverness and take few pictures as well. Here are some pictures that Ms Z took:

High Street, Inverness at night. Credits to Ms Z.

It means "Haste Ye Back" = come back soon in Gaelic. Credits to Ms Z.

   Then, we return to the hostel and Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Wednesday, 24th December 2014 - Inbhir Nis => Dùn Èideann

   In the morning, all 4 of us went for a self tour (read: travel without a tour guide) around Inverness. The weather was kind of a mix of rain and sunshine. Subhanallah, we saw a rainbow across the bridge.

The same bridge (the one that look like mini San Fransisco bridge) that we went on the night before. B-e-a-utiful rainbow, eh? Credits to Ms Z.

Here's another shot of the rainbow from different angle. Credits to Ms Z.

   Since it's Christmas Eve, most of the small shops were closed (even the post office was closed early - open at 9, close at 12). We were hungry at that time and nowhere near to the hostel. So, we decided to eat in the restaurant (Alhamdulillah, there were halal restaurants in Inverness too).

Note : You can use this website to find halal restaurants in the area you are visiting or even in your neighbourhood. As for most restaurants that we found so far (in Fort William and Inverness), the opening times are 12-2 pm and 5-10 pm (they don't open at normal times - or maybe it's normal for them but different for me? -.-''). So, plan carefully or at least, make sure your stomach doesn't cry at the wrong time. :) 

   "Never judge a book by it's cover". Yup, even though we realised that Inverness was as interesting as Fort William by the time we arrived at Inverness, unfortunately, we didn't planned to spend time in Inverness as much as we did in Fort William. Dear readers, take my advice, it's better if you stay at least 2 nights in the place where you are visiting. It'll be worth it, Insya Allah. There will be lots of things to do, especially in Scotland where you can go for a walk around the city/using the walking trails or ride a mountain bike or visit museums/castles and stuff. Nevertheless, Insya Allah, I will visit Inverness next time. :)

   The next destination was Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland and second most populous city after Glasgow (Go Glasgow!!! Hehehe...). Edinburgh is pronounced as "ay-din-bereh", not "ay-din-berh" (yeah, I know, Pittsburgh is pronounced as "pits-berh" but sorry, pal, this is how the Scottish pronounce it). We departed from Inverness at 3:51 pm by train and reached Edinburgh at 7:21 pm. It was dark and we can see nothing T_T (probably would've been better if we'd travelled in the morning on the next day). Lesson learned. Oh ya, one of our friends went back to Glasgow as she have to go to London on 26th December. From 4 to 3 person - the three musketeers continued on with their journey.

That's me in the train to Edinburgh. Credits to Ms Z.

   As soon as we reached Edinburgh, we searched for the backpackers hostel (it's quite near to Edinburgh Castle and also the train station - Edinburgh Waverley), checked in and put our stuffs in our room. At first, we decided to go to a fun fair near to the train station but we were late (it closed at 8:00 pm and won't be open on Christmas Day). So, we walked along the Princes Street and return back to the hostel.

Thursday, 25th December 2014 - Around Dùn Èideann (Holyrood Park - Arthur's Seat & Salisbury Crags)

    It's Christmas (wished it was white Christmas, though - so that I can play in snow). Almost every shops were closed except some cafes and small shops (kedai runcit). We were planning to climb up Arthur's Seat at first, but then, we decided to have breakfast or at least, fill our stomach with something (just in case so that we didn't ended up starving on the way up climbing Arthur's Seat or pancit/tak cukup tenaga).

   After that, we started to climb and it was pretty hard at first. I felt like climbing a never-ending stair that's getting more and more steeper as I went higher. There are lots of paths that you can use to reach to the top of Arthur's Seat (I realised this as we went down the hill using another path which is located on the other side of the hill). The path that we used was the path along Salisbury Crags (a steep path at first, followed by a long, straight path) until we reached the base of Arthur's Seat. From there, we climbed up until we reached the top of Arthur's Seat. There were few people that we met along the way though.

Two lovely couples. Credits to Ms Z.

On top of the Arthur's Seat. Credits to Ms Z.
     We spent three days in Edinburgh (too lazy to describe it in detail) and went back to Glasgow on 27th December. Overall, Alhamdulillah, it was a great experience travelling with friends, learning how to plan - always have a backup plan and the most important lesson that I have learned in this journey was always have faith in Allah' plan. After all, Allah knows best.

Travelling is one of the ways you can observe human's real behaviour, not just yourself or your friends, but people that you will encounter during your trip. The beauty of nature will make you feel that there are lots of things to do in life rather than repeating the same cycle every single day.

Get out, get some sunlight, sweat, breeze or whatever that'll make all your senses alive. Look with your eyes and with your heart of what Allah has created around you, May Allah guide us all to the straight path, insya Allah.

I apologise for any spelling/grammatical error that you may find in this post and for mistakes that I may have made, also in this post.

May peace be upon you.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hamba Allah

Aku lihat satu demi satu ditinggalkannya.
Satu demi satu dicabut daripadanya.
Barang-barang dunia.
Dan akhirnya, hanya tinggal mati yang akan memisahkan dia daripada dunia secara keseluruhan.
Ke akhirat yang kekal abadi.
Dia akan dapat kembali apa yang ditinggalkannya semasa di dunia,
bercantum kembali apa yang dicabut olehnya semasa di dunia.
Malah lebih baik lagi.
Lebih baik daripada dunia dan seisinya.

Dia fikir risau kondisi umat semasa.
Dia fikir untuk membangunkan ummah.

Di bibirnya, ucapan Allah sentiasa ada.
Dia lihat alam dengan kekaguman kepada Allah.

Dia menyebarkan dakwah dengan bersungguh-sungguh kepada Islam dan bakal Islam.

Dia menghidupkan sunnah Rasulullah (S.A.W.) dalam kehidupannya dan mereka di sekelilingnya.

Dia, hamba Allah.
Dia tidak terlepas daripada membuat dosa, seperti aku juga.
Tapi, dia tidak pernah berhenti berharap kepadaNya.

"Doa, doa itu penting", katanya.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bintang Syurga - UNIC feat. Raqib Majid (lirik)


Disclaimer: Lagu ini ditulis oleh Ustaz Pahrol Muhd. Juoi kalau x silap saya, jadi saya tidak terlibat dengan penulisan lirik ini. Cuma ingin berkongsi lirik nasyid yang bermakna ini dengan kalian semua.

Rangkap 1:
Biar darah jadi baja,
biar tulangku menjadi tunggangnya.
Islam tetap di puncak,
biar imanku terus melonjak.

Rangkap 2:
Aku tekad,
aku rela,
sekalipun aku dihenyak.

Korus 1:
Burung-burung hijau terbang,
Ruhku telah melayang,
Syurga Firdausi menungguku datang.

Bidadari pun tersenyum, 
menunggu cumbu harum,
di saat cinta mekarku bercantum.
Rangkap 3:
Pergiku tak kembali,
kerana memburu nikmat syurgawi.
Itulah yang hakiki,
itu yang abadi,
dan ku tidak mati,
bahkan hidup dengan rezki Ilahi.

(Instrumentals playing in the background)

Kejayaan (kejayaan),
Bintang syuhada yang dirindukan.

Korus 2:
Datang, datanglah wahai syahid,
dambaan mujahid,
aku relakan sakit yang sedikit.
Derita hanya sementara,
biar aku nestapa,
demi bahagia untuk selamanya.

(Instrumentals playing in the background)

DISKUSI: Bicara Soal 'CINTA' | Dr Norma Sidek

CINTA: Cinta itu nikmat terbesar anda

Cinta itu untuk siapa? Cinta remaja, cinta & dusta...

Akibat gara-gara cinta....Siapa yang untung dalam bercinta?

Assalamualaikum semua, 

InsyaAllah program mingguan Biro Kerohanian KMG diteruskan pada minggu ini dengan diskusi menarik disampaikan oleh Dr. Norma. Butiran-butiran adalah seperti berikut: 

Tajuk: Bicara Soal Cinta
Penyampai: Dr. Norma Sidek
Tarikh: 25 April 2014 (Jumaat)
Masa: 6.00-8.00pm 
Tempat: SUMSA, University of Strathclyde, Martha Street, G1 1XJ.

Semua dijemput hadir, terbuka kepada MUSLIMIN dan MUSLIMAT. Jumpa di SUMSA! InsyaAllah. 


Komuniti Malaysia Glasgow (KMG)

Dengan Kerjasama: 
Malaysian Muslim Circle of Scotland (MMCS) & Platform Siswa Islam Malaysia UK (PRISM).

P/S: Semoga kita dapat manfaat daripadanya, insya Allah. 

Di mana sahaja kita berada, ambillah peluang untuk menimba ilmu akhirat di samping menuntut ilmu dunia. Hatta di bumi Scotland sekalipun. :)