Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Stick to your principle.

Bismillah - By the name of Allah,The All-Merciful,
Today is the third day of the program.
Well,I'm quite lazy to tell you the whole stories,but,Insya Allah,I will share my new experience.
So,we learned how to manage our appearance professionally. In other words,we were going through a grooming session.
Everything was fine.
The speaker was a reverted Muslim,not a Malaysian.
Yes,what can I say? She's a good image consultant.
But,when it comes to shaking hands,all the male student did not shake her hands when she gave the hand.
That hurts her. Or 'menjatuhkan air muka dia'.
All of us have different views regarding about what to do if we were in this situation.
And I am not here to create a spark. NO!
My point is that it is important to have a principle in life. How the front boys endured the shame when they rejected.
Haram is still haram.
Halal will still be halal.
But you must know how to differentiate between do's and don'ts.
And I failed.
Nevertheless,I've learned my lesson and hopefully,I will become a much better person tomorrow.

Tazkiyatun nafs - Pembersihan jiwa - Cleaning your

Bismillah - By the name of Allah,
Look at the picture,
Read the statement.
Ouch,it hurts.
Because it is true.
Most of us cried when we lost the ones that we loved the 'most'. Break ups, on and on.... Yup,but hardly anyone cries when they lost the love from The One they needed the most.
So,sit down,take a deep breath,and reflect yourself. How often do you remember Him in a day? What were the sins that you've committed all this time? Do you feel ashamed,guilty or nothing?
Don't worry,we still have chances to go back,start from square 1,redirect ourselves to the straight path,just like we always ask for Him to guide on Siratul Mustaqim,the straight path. It is the path that makes us close to Him. It is the only path that brings us to the Jannah,our final destination,insya Allah.
So,guys,what do you think?
Do you agree with the statement?
Or maybe not? :-)
But still,I'm a preacher just like all of you,trying to spread the message from Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him),the Messenger of Allah.
My job is to share all of the knowledge that I know even if it is only a single sentence.
That's all for now.
Syukran jazilan for reading the post.
Until then,assalamu'alaikum. Peace be upon to all of you. :-)